- All
- Order Related (Track/Delay/Additional Charges Applied)
- Order Modification (Order/Address/Phone Number/Payment Mode)
- Order Delivery Related (Fake Delivery/Wrong Status)
- Order Cancellation
- Payment Related
- Refund Related
- Delivered Order (Incomplete/Defected/Damaged/Missing Products/Wrong Products/Leaked/Near Expiry Products)
- Return Order
- Coupon/Offer Related
- Website Related (Account/Login/OTP)
Order Related (Track/Delay/Additional Charges Applied)
To track your order, follow the steps below:
1. Go to Bombay Shaving Company https://www.bombayshavingcompany.com/ and click on "Track Order" or simply visit this link https://bsc.shiprocket.co/ 2. Enter the order number or AWB to track.
Please Note: We usually dispatch orders within 48 hours, and it takes 3-4 days to get them delivered post-shipment. In case of any delay or if the order status is delivered but you have still not received your order, please reach out to our customer support team on WhatsApp at +91-7303488233 for live agent support or raise your query at care@bombayshavingcompany.com
Kindly review your cart total during checkout to identify any additional charges applied. This could include Cash on Delivery or Shipping fees.
Please note:
- 1. If you place an order below Rs. 199, a shipping charge of Rs. 99 will apply to your total order value.
- 2. If you place an order with payment mode as 'Cash on Delivery', an extra Rs. 50 is added to the total cart value. Order Modification (Order/Address/Phone Number/Payment Mode)
Order Modification (Order/Address/Phone Number/Payment Mode)
We regret to inform you that once you have placed an order, we are unable to make any changes to it. Alternatively, you can cancel and place a new order with the updated correct details.
Please Note: If your order has already been shipped, you won't be able to cancel your order, but you can refuse it at the time of delivery and you will get your refund within 5-7 working days in the source account if the order is already paid for.
Unfortunately, payment method changes aren't possible after placing an order. However, if your order hasn't been shipped yet, you can cancel it and reorder with the preferred payment method, and you will get your refund within 5-7 working days in the source account if the order is already paid for.
Order Delivery Related (Fake Delivery/Wrong Status)
We are sorry to hear this. Ideally, our Courier Partner attempts delivery 3 times before marking it for return. Kindly check your SMS/Email for communications regarding delivery. You can also check the detailed status of your order by clicking on 'Track Order' on the order details page.
Refund: In case your order has been marked 'Returned' by the courier and is prepaid, the refund will be initiated to your original mode of payment once we receive the products. Refund is credited in 5-7 working days from the date of processing, except for Saturday, Sunday, and national holidays.
We usually dispatch the orders within 24-48 hours. You can track your current order status by clicking on 'Track Order' on the order details page. Please note that you will be notified through SMS, Email, and WhatsApp once your order gets dispatched from our warehouse. Still, if your query remains unresolved, please reach out to our customer support team on WhatsApp or raise your query at care@bombayshavingcompany.com
Order Cancellation
If you wish to cancel your order, you can reach out to us by email or chatbot. Please WhatsApp us on +917303488233 and choose Order related help followed by Cancel order. The order will be canceled, and a refund will be initiated, or you can simply email us at care@bombayshavingcompany.com and request to cancel your order. You can also log into your Bombay Shaving Company account and cancel your order.
Please follow the steps below to cancel the order:
- Go to the 'Menu' (Top Right corner).
- Go to 'My Account'.
- Click on 'My Order'.
- Click on 'View Details'
- Scroll down to the bottom and click on 'Cancel Order.
- Select the reason and click on 'Cancel Order'. The order will stand as canceled if it has not been shipped yet.
Please Note: If your order has already been shipped, you won't be able to cancel your order, but you can refuse it at the time of delivery, and you will get your refund within 5-7 working days in the source account if the order is already paid for. Still, if your query remains unresolved, please reach out to our customer support team on WhatsApp or raise your query at care@bombayshavingcompany.com
If your order has been canceled from our end, it's possible that our Terms and Conditions for Order & product limits were breached. For more information, please review our Terms and Conditions here : https://www.bombayshavingcompany.com/pages/terms-and-conditions. Still, if your query remains unresolved, please reach out to our customer support team on Call +91-7303488233 or raise your query at care@bombayshavingcompany.com
Payment Related
We apologize for the inconvenience caused, kindly check the order status. However, this could happen due to certain issues at our end. Don’t worry, any payment deducted will be refunded to your source account within 48 hours.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Kindly try the below to help you proceed with the order placement:
- 1. Please try again after clearing your browser's cache and cookies, or
- 2. Try a different payment method
We regret to inform you that we do not accept international credit cards.
Refund Related
For paid orders, a refund is initiated instantly on cancellation/Returns/Failed Order. Once the refund is initiated, it takes 5-7 working days from the date of initiation (except for Saturday, Sunday, and national holidays).
If it has been 5-7 days from the refund initiation date, verify by checking your source account history for the refund. Still if your query remains unresolved, please reach out to our customer support team on WhatsApp or raise your query on care@bombayshavingcompany.com
Delivered Order (Incomplete/Defected/Damaged/Missing Products/Wrong Products/Leaked/Near Expiry Products)
Your complete order might be arriving in different packages. To track your complete package, go to https://bsc.shiprocket.co/, you will also get the separate tracking details of your order. You may also sign into your account and Track your order.
In case you are not able to see separate tracking links for your order, you can also reach out to our customer support team on WhatsApp or raise your query on care@bombayshavingcompany.com
We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please reach out to our customer support team on WhatsApp or raise your query on care@bombayshavingcompany.com by sharing the images of the delivered items and shipping box.
We take this matter seriously and deeply apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced. Please reach out to our customer support team on WhatsApp or raise your query on care@bombayshavingcompany.com
Return Order
- Please refer to our Return policy before applying for return. You can view our return policy here https://www.bombayshavingcompany.com/pages/cancellations
Coupon/Offer Related
To use your coupon code and avail discount, follow below steps:
- Add products to the Cart
- Click on ‘Place Order’
- There, you will get the option to enter the coupon code manually, or you can select from the available options
- Click on 'Apply'
- Don't add spaces before, inside of, or after the coupon code.
Please click here https://www.bombayshavingcompany.com/ to visit our website and check out the exciting offers and coupon codes there.
Gift card can be redeemed on the checkout page where the user can enter the gift card voucher code and voucher pin on the checkout page on the website only.
- Gift Card Cannot be clubbed with Coupons, Prepaid Discount
- Customer can pay the full amount (product price+shipping charges) with gift cards.
- Gift Cards can be redeemed partially in multiple orders.
- Gift Card Amount will not be refunded in case of RTO/Cancellation
- User cannot cancel orders with Gift Card
Website Related (Account/Login/OTP)
- Click on the profile icon on the top-right corner of the website
- Enter your Phone Number and click on 'login with OTP'
- Enter the OTP received on your phone and you will successfully be logged in.
Please note: If you are not able to get OTP on your mobile number to login, click on 'Resend OTP' and check again.