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Busting Shaving Myths That Are Completely Nonsense

by Faizaan Siddiqui 26 Aug 2023
Busting Shaving Myths That Are Completely Nonsense

Myth # 1: All Razors Are Same, It Is Just A Marketing Gimmick


See, different razors yield different results. Cartridge razors, Safety Razors, and electric shavers give different results. What makes them different is the quality of blades, the number of blades, and the razor head. All this influences the closeness of the shave and the potential intensity of irritation. When you know these factors, look for density, thickness, skin type, and shaving frequency and choose the right razor for your skin and hair type.


Myth #2: Shaving Removes Tan


Absolutely not. Shaving does not remove a tan. The confusion is there because shaving works as a mild way of exfoliation. It cleans the outer layer of dead skin cells, which makes your skin look a few shades lighter. You must know that tanning does not happen on the outer layer of the skin. It is on the deeper layer of your skin, and shaving has no effect on it. However, regular exfoliation can make things worse, thus making the tan last longer.


Myth #3: Shaving Every Day is Best for Smooth Skin


No! For most people, daily shaving leads to more skin irritation, razor burn, and ingrown hair. If you are a frequent shaver, allow your skin to recover, and try giving your skin a day or two to rest between shaves. Daily shaving causes friction and sensitivity, which leads to an uncomfortable shaving experience rather than a smoother one.


Myth #4: Shaving Against the Grain Provides a Closer Shave


Let’s accept it. Shaving against the grain makes us tempted only because it feels like we will get a closer shave. Do not fall for your temptation, as it significantly increases the risk of irritation, ingrown hairs, and razor bumps. Shaving with the grain is gentle on the skin and gives a close shave with a minimised risk of potential drawbacks.


Myth # 5: Hot Water Gives A Closer Shave


Warm water is suggested as a pre-shaving ritual because it softens the hair and expands the pores. A closer shave is possible with reduced chances of tugs and pulls with warm water. However, excessively hot water can strip away your natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. The optimal water temperature is warm, not scalding hot. Warm water makes the hair more pliable and easier to cut making it easy for you to achieve a closer shave.


Myth #6: Shaving Makes Hair Thicker


Listen up, as far as we can remember, till now, we have said this more than 100 times, we will repeat this. 


The growth, thickness, and density are determined by genetics, not because of shaving. What you see is an illusion. After you're done with shaving, you see part of the hair shaft, which appears to be thicker. However, your hair will return to its natural texture after a few days.


Myth #7: Shaving Creams are a marketing gimmick too


Shaving Cream works as a lubricant on your skin. It reduces friction between the razor and the skin, hence reducing the chances of nicks and cuts. Additionally, many shaving creams contain moisturising ingredients that help hydrate and soften the hair and skin, making the shaving experience smoother and more comfortable.


Myth #8: You Do Not Need to Moisturise After Shaving


For good skin, moisturisation is a must. When you shave, you strip off the natural oils of your skin. Not moisturising after shaving disrupts your skin's moisture barrier, leading to dryness and irritation. A moisturiser helps to replenish lost moisture, soothe the skin, and promote faster healing, leaving your skin feeling refreshed after shaving.


Myth #9: Shaving Causes Skin to Sag and Wrinkle


Shaving has no direct relation to causing a sag or wrinkle on your skin. The primary factors that influence skin aging are genetics, exposure to sun, and lifestyle habits. Follow the proper methods of shaving, and have a skincare and sun protection routine. All these are sure to contribute to delaying premature aging.


Myth #10: Using More Pressure Gives a Better Shave


Really? We thought we were super clear about this. In fact, applying excessive pressure while shaving leads to more irritation, more cuts, and more razor burns. The sign of a good quality razor is that it should be sharp enough to cut hair with minimal pressure. Putting too much pressure damages the skin, and you know what happens next (the bloodbath of nicks, cuts, and redness on your skin). For a smoother shave always, always, and always go for a gentle, controlled glide over your skin's surface.


Myth #11: Shaving Removes More Dead Skin Cells than Exfoliation

Shaving works as a mild exfoliator for your skin and removes the top layer of dead skin cells. If you want to remove your dead skin cells effectively, you need to have a separate exfoliation routine. Exfoliation before shaving is a big YES.


Myth #12: Shaving Removes Natural Oils Completely


When you shave, it removes a thin layer of natural oils from your skin's surface. It does not strip away your natural oils completely. It is crucial to moisturise after shaving to replenish these oils and maintain skin hydration. Go for a high-quality hydrating post-shave product, as they help balance and restore your skin's moisture levels.




That is enough myth debunking for today. When it comes to myths most of them are opinions. Some are true, some are half-baked, and the rest are complete nonsense. We are sure that now, you have a clearer picture of how things work around shaving. So head back to us every time you are in a confusion, and you will find an answer to it here.


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